Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ground Hog Day - Flight of the Fat Boy

So, we have had a pesky ground hog family living on the property for as long as we can remember. Our neighbor often uses some kind of air rifle to attempt to exterminate them one by one and Sean has tried to stink them out and gas them out with many different types of potions - yet this year, yet again, a new family of "fat boys" as we affectionately call them have popped up again.
Now that we have destroyed their playground, they are on the run and all look very confused. This one was sitting on the front ledge one day when I was home for lunch, so I grabbed my camera and tried to sneak up on him to get a pic before he ran away. Much to my surprise, he didn't move at all and I was able to take some up close and personal shots of our Fat Boy. He created a new hole at the front of the house overnight - boy is he going to be mad when the footers get poured and he will be evicted once again.

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