Wednesday, July 16, 2008

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHhh! Today was the first day I forgot to take before pictures and I am sooo mad! I am mad b/c you would be soo proud of us if you ONLY KNEW what these garage and shed spaces looked like before we started the massive clean out!! You would think some sort of miracle happened here -- well it did, and their names are Dan, Mike, Joe and Madeleine.
The Ohio Blue stone stripped from the front of the house was tackled by Joe and Mike who had them cleaned and stacked and categorized by girth, no kidding! The mortar they chipped off the stone was left in the demo area to be used as fill.
Madeleine and Dan helped Sean and I clean out 9 years of God Knows What - some goes in the garbage pile and the rest was stored into boxes and put in the storage unit in the front/side yard. In the shed photo you can see the gas line running through the ceiling that also continues into the garage rafters and then into the house. Remember, we have no basement, just slab on grade so utilities float through conduits and the HVAC ductwork is encased in the slab. The existing shed will become the new office, and the existing garage space will become the media room/family room.